On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Oct 1, 2020 | Personal Injury
Why shouldn’t I talk to insurance companies after an accident?
You purchased insurance to cover your expenses in case of an accident. After all, that is what insurance is for. Isn’t it?
The truth is actually much more complicated. Insurance companies are for-profit corporations that hold one goal above all others: to make money. If you are ever in a car accident or you have already experienced an accident, you should not try to speak with the representatives from your insurance company. Here is why.
Why you shouldn’t speak to insurers
Insurance companies do not always work for their policyholders. Instead, they often do anything that they can to avoid paying the full settlement. When you speak to a representative from an insurance company, the representative will be looking for a way to low-ball you out of the amount of money that you deserve.
Even if you had no fault at all in the accident, insurance companies have ways of pinning some of the blame on you. This way, they will not have to pay maximum compensation. In other scenarios, the insurance company may find a way to downplay the severity of your injuries so that they do not have to spend as much.
What to do instead
Before you speak to any insurance representatives, consider your options. You have the right to seek medical treatment and legal counsel. Many accident survivors find it necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver’s insurance company or their own.
Above all, do not sign any documents that your insurance company gives you. These documents are often written in a manner that seems favorable to you but actually favors the insurance company. You may not realize just what rights you are signing away.