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Procedure for Seeking Compensation for Whiplash Injuries in Raleigh Car Accidents

What Should You Do Following a Motor Vehicle Accident? Car accidents can be traumatic events that leave motorists and passengers feeling disoriented and unsure of what to do next. Being prepared for what to do after a motor vehicle collision can make all the difference in protecting your well-being and increasing the value of your personal injury claim. The first

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Legal Considerations for Electric Bike Accidents in Charlotte, North Carolina

How to Navigate an Electric Bike Accident in Charlotte Electric bikes, or e-bikes, have surged in popularity across Charlotte, North Carolina. E-bikes offer a eco-friendly and convenient way to traverse the city. However, the increased presence of e-bikes has also led to a rise in accidents, raising unique legal questions about liability and compensation. If you’ve been involved in an

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Add Medical Payments, Medpay, Coverage in North Carolina to your Auto Insurance Policy

Add Medical Payments, Medpay, Coverage in North Carolina to your Auto Insurance Policy On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Dec 14, 2013 | Car Accidents, Civil Trial, Legally Speaking, Personal Injury Add Medical Payments Coverage, known as Medpay, in North Carolina to your Auto Insurance Policy.  Medpay coverage is cheap, no fault coverage that can be purchased to pay for lost wages and medical expenses in North

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Social Security Disability, SSI treating Physicians must get Controlling Weight

Social Security Disability, SSI treating Physicians must get Controlling Weight On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Nov 29, 2013 | Legally Speaking, Social Security Disability Social Security Disability, SSI Judges must give Plaintiff’s treating physicians controlling weight. Board Certified Social Security Disability Attorney Susan O’Malley recently argued a Federal District Court Social Security Disability, SSI case in front of North Carolina Federal District Court Judge Terrence

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What to do after an Injury in a Car Crash in Eastern NC

What to do after an Injury in a Car Crash in Eastern NC On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Nov 18, 2013 | Car Accidents, Legally Speaking, Personal Injury Car Crash?  Injured?  Just not sure what to do next? Often our clients are just not sure what to do immediately after a car crash.  Injuries and emotions can get in the way of making good decisions.

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Report your North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Injury

Report your North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Injury On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Nov 4, 2013 | Civil Trial, Legally Speaking, Workers’ Compensation In North Carolina an injured worker is required to report an injury at work to the North Carolina Industrial Commission within thirty days (30) of your injury and no greater than two (2) years of the date of your injury.  N.C. Gen.Stat. §

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Coin Sized Button Battery Child Swallowing Danger: Parents Beware!

Coin Sized Button Battery Child Swallowing Danger: Parents Beware! On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Oct 20, 2013 | Civil Trial, Legally Speaking, Personal Injury, Products Liability Button Batteries also known as coin cell batteries create a serious swallowing danger for children.  Unlike a coin, rock or small toy, if a button battery is swallowed by a small child it does not just pass through the body,

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What You need to Apply for Social Security Disability, SSI

What You need to Apply for Social Security Disability, SSI On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Oct 7, 2013 | Civil Trial, Legally Speaking, Social Security Disability Board Certified Social Security Disability, SSI attorney Susan O’Malley’s lists what she thinks you need to have and consider when applying for Social Security or SSI. Board Certified Social Security Attorney Susan O’Malley what you need to apply for Social

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Why you should hire a trial lawyer for your injury case

Why you should hire a trial lawyer for your injury case On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Sep 25, 2013 | Car Accidents, Civil Trial, Legally Speaking, Personal Injury, Products Liability, Social Security Disability, Workers’ Compensation Why do you need a trial lawyer for your serious injury case? On September 13, 2013 I was invited to try a mock personal injury trial to a room of approximately 100 personal injury

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Social Media after a Car Accident or Personal Injury

Social Media after a Car Accident or Personal Injury On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Sep 2, 2013 | Car Accidents, Civil Trial, Legally Speaking, Personal Injury, Products Liability, Social Security Disability, Workers’ Compensation Social Media after a Car Accident or Personal Injury?? Our clients rarely ask whether they should post to their social media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc) after a car accident or injury case — they just do.  Our

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You must be able to walk to work says Federal District Court Judge

You must be able to walk to work says Federal District Court Judge On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Aug 5, 2013 | Civil Trial, Legally Speaking, Social Security Disability Recently Joe Tunstall successfully argued a Social Security case that had been worked on by Susan O’Malley and Amos Waranch in front of  Federal District Court Judge Terrence Boyle who found that an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing

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Procedure for Seeking Compensation for Whiplash Injuries in Raleigh Car Accidents

What Should You Do Following a Motor Vehicle Accident? Car accidents can be traumatic events that leave motorists and passengers feeling disoriented and unsure of what to do next. Being prepared for what to do after a motor vehicle collision can make all the difference in protecting your well-being and increasing the value of your personal injury claim. The first

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Legal Considerations for Electric Bike Accidents in Charlotte, North Carolina

How to Navigate an Electric Bike Accident in Charlotte Electric bikes, or e-bikes, have surged in popularity across Charlotte, North Carolina. E-bikes offer a eco-friendly and convenient way to traverse the city. However, the increased presence of e-bikes has also led to a rise in accidents, raising unique legal questions about liability and compensation. If you’ve been involved in an

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Jennifer M.

Google Reviewer

“I highly recommend this law firm!!! They worked diligently on my permanent disability case! I was injured in a car wreck which had left me unable to work. Susan O’Malley got my disability approved in under 6 months! It was my 1st time ever applying for permanent disability as well! It was a pleasure to work with you! They were always on top of everything and responded promptly to any questions I had!”