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Are Drunk Driving Accidents a Common Problem in North Carolina?

According to the NHTSA, nearly 29% of all traffic-related fatalities in the state of North Carolina can be traced back to drivers under the influence of alcohol. These statistics indicate that nearly one in every three fatal motor vehicle accidents in NC involved drunk driving.

Data from the North Carolina Department of Transportation shows that there were over 11,000 total alcohol-related traffic crashes across North Carolina in a recent year. Of these motor vehicle collisions, more than 7,500 resulted in injuries, and more than 400 fatalities were reported.

What Are North Carolina’s DUI Laws?

North Carolina is known for having strict drunk driving laws. In our state, drivers are prohibited from driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana.

The majority of drivers of passenger vehicles cannot drive a car with a BAC of 0.08% or more. Even if the blood alcohol level is less than 0.08%, if the alcohol or drugs in their system dramatically impair their physical or mental abilities behind the wheel of a car, then they may be accused of driving while intoxicated.

Commercial drivers face stricter laws. A commercial motorist, such as a bus driver or commercial truck driver, cannot operate a vehicle with a BAC level of 0.04% or higher.

Is There a Difference Between DUI and DWI in NC?

The general public tends to use DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while impaired or driving while intoxicated) pretty much interchangeably. Under North Carolina law, driving under the influence is simply referred to as ‘impaired driving.’ Our state law does not use the terms DUI, DWI, or drunk driving.

What is North Carolina’s Zero Tolerance Policy?

A driver who is not of legal drinking age could face a DUI charge if they have any detectable alcohol or drugs in their system while operating a motor vehicle.

Under North Carolina’s zero-tolerance policy, underage drunk drivers can receive an automatic 30-day pretrial revocation of their driver’s license, as well as the loss of other privileges.

What Are the Effects of Drunk Drivers on NC Roads?

Driving under the influence can make a motorist dangerous behind the wheel of a car, potentially leading to serious injuries or fatalities on the roadway. Some of these injuries may also have an emotional or psychological impact.

There are several legal consequences for driving under the influence in North Carolina. Those charged with a DUI offense face hefty fines, the possibility of a driver’s license suspension, and even the prospect of extensive jail time.

There are also economic costs to consider when discussing drunk driving accidents. According to the CDC, alcohol-related accidents in North Carolina cost the state approximately $1.4 billion every year. This hefty price includes expenses related to medical bills, property damage and vehicle repairs, lost wages, and more.

What Are the Legal and Financial Consequences of Driving Under the Influence?

The legal consequences for driving while intoxicated in North Carolina can depend on the severity of the offense and whether there are any previous convictions for the accused.
A first-time DUI offender is usually charged with a misdemeanor offense, which can result in up to six months in jail. Additionally, the first-time offender may be required to complete alcohol or drug education programs, have their driver’s license suspended, and pay fines up to $2,000.

Repeat offenders face harsher penalties, including higher fines, extended driver’s license suspensions, and longer jail sentences. The maximum penalty for repeat offenders includes up to two years in jail, fines of up to $4000, and a driver’s license suspension for a specific period of time.

The convicted person may also face lost wages. If they must serve any time in jail or not drive for a certain period of time, they may not be able to hold down regular employment. Additionally, they may expect their insurance premiums to go up.

What is a Felony DUI?

A DUI may be elevated to a felony charge when aggravating factors are present in the DUI case. Aggravating factors could include three or more prior DUI convictions in the past seven years, a crash that results in serious injury or death to another person, getting a DUI while driving on a suspended license, or impaired driving while there was a child under the age of 18 in the vehicle.

Will DUI Accidents Affect Your Insurance?

Drunk driving convictions will likely lead to an increase in your car insurance premiums. An insurance company tends to see a motorist with a history of drunk driving as a high-risk driver, so they may raise rates or cancel insurance policy coverage altogether.

Can Victims Sue Drunk Drivers and Other Potentially Liable Parties?

North Carolina is an at-fault state for car crashes, which allows car accident victims to sue at-fault drivers for injuries and other damages suffered due to drunk driving accidents. Even in cases where you are unable to prove a driving error, you may still be able to hold a drunk driver liable for the motor vehicle collision under the theory of negligence per se.

Additionally, North Carolina’s dram shop law makes it illegal for bars, restaurants, or other businesses to knowingly sell or provide alcoholic beverages to intoxicated individuals or minors. Establishments that serve alcohol to a visibly impaired person or minor may face legal liability for injuries and property damage that the drunk driver causes while under the influence.

How Long Do DWI Accident Victims Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Charlotte?

There is a strict statute of limitations on personal injury cases in North Carolina. Victims in Charlotte usually have three years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit against the drunk driver and other liable parties. Failure to file a lawsuit within the statute of limitations could result in your claim being dismissed and you forever losing your chance of recovering financial compensation.

Contact Us to Schedule a Free Consultation with Experienced Car Accident Attorneys

If you were hurt in an auto accident caused by a drunk driver or a driver under the influence of drugs, you must retain professional legal representation from experienced car accident lawyers to represent your DUI case. Our North Carolina law firm proudly represents the legal rights of injured clients seeking financial recovery from liable parties in drunk driving cases.

To learn more about our legal services, we encourage prospective new clients to contact our law firm to schedule a free case evaluation today. You may reach our law office at 919-277-0150.