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Commercial Trucking Accidents: Unpacking the Complexities of Federal and State Regulations

What is the Difference Between Interstate and Intrastate Truck Regulations? Intrastate traffic laws apply to commercial vehicles that operate and deliver goods within the state of North Carolina. Interstate traffic laws, on the other hand, apply to commercial trucking industry vehicles traveling from one state to another. They are overseen by the US Department of […]

How common are commercial vehicle accidents in North Carolina?

On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Sep 26, 2021 | Truck Accidents Over the last year, a lot has changed in the country. Along with health and safety precautions, people have changed how they do common tasks like shopping and eating out. As residents of North Carolina have gone through store closures, limited business hours, and mask requirements, many […]

Why are logging truck accidents so common in North Carolina?

by O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | May 10, 2021 | Truck Accidents The logging industry plays an important role in North Carolina. The state has more than 18 million acres of timberland. Logging provides thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of revenue. Too many trucks on the road Many of the jobs in the state logging industry are held by drivers of […]

Who is responsible when logging trucks cause accidents?

On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Mar 4, 2021 | Truck Accidents Last month’s death of a van driver in Craven County highlights the dangerous and often fatal aftermath of a motor vehicle accident involving a logging truck. The head-on collision during the late morning of Jan. 13 south of Vanceboro scattered debris along the yard of a nearby […]

Study: safety systems could prevent 40 percent of rear-end 18-wheeler crashes

On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Sep 8, 2020 | Truck Accidents When a tractor-trailer slams into the back of a passenger car, the results can be horrific for occupants of the smaller vehicle. After all, in North Carolina 18-wheelers are allowed to weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Serious injuries and fatalities are all too common in rear-end tractor-trailer crashes. […]

Were you a victim of a logging truck accident?

On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Aug 23, 2020 | Truck Accidents The logging industry provides a valuable service in North Carolina. However, when they are involved in or cause motor vehicle accidents, the results can be deadly. The people who work with and drive logging trucks must pay special attention to strict safety measures. And, the companies that […]

A series of crashes and tragedies on a North Carolina interstate

On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Jul 6, 2020 | Truck Accidents A series of crashes and tragedies on a North Carolina interstate A series of crashes on a North Carolina interstate highway has resulted in a tragic loss of life. Five people were killed – including two preteen girls and their mother and father – in the chain-reaction […]

Report: Large truck crash fatalities rose last year

On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | May 26, 2020 | Truck Accidents Regular readers of our Raleigh personal injury law blog will recall that we recently wrote a post about an unusual trend: though traffic during the pandemic is down in North Carolina, fatal crashes have remained steady. That phenomenon can be found in other places around the country […]

Trucker cited in North Carolina interstate crash

On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | May 4, 2020 | Truck Accidents The 94-mile drive from Raleigh to Archdale takes about an hour and a half. Interstate 85 essentially divides the town of about 11,000 residents in half. The busy highway was recently the site of a tractor-trailer crash that injured one of the town’s police officers as well as a […]

Does high caffeine intake indicate higher risk of truck crashes?

On Behalf of O’Malley Tunstall PLLC | Apr 22, 2020 | Truck Accidents Back in March, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration issued a national declaration that temporarily suspended hours-of-service regulations for truck drivers transporting emergency relief products and certain critical materials needed to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. A recent news article pointed out that many of those exempted […]